BioResEd Pty Ltd (short for BioResources Research and Education) has emerged out BioResources Pty Ltd which, led by Richard Llewellyn, has been a long time supplier of beneficial insects to horticulture and provided education about Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
For several years now BioResources has been conducting research, consulting and education in the areas of entomology, inter-row management and in-field insectories by researchers Dr Abigail Makim, Dr Christopher Carr and Dr Alana Govender .
A Hort Innovation project, MC00168, was completed in April 2020 under the BioResources banner. This project investigated ways to increase bio-diversity and natural pest management in macadamias by managing the inter-row space differently to standard practice. See our Publications page for some of the documents we have produced in relation to this project. In July 2020 we embarked on two small Landcare projects:
• Implementation and demonstration of inter-row cover-cropping for new macadamia orchards in the Bundaberg region – 4-EEAWO2M
• Macadamia ‘dark orchard’ rehabilitation – orchard row removal and inter-row cover- cropping demonstration – 4-EEAWOA4
These projects are now approaching completion and have facilitated much discussion and experimentation and produced several short videos which will be published very soon.
A few months back we decided to separate the research and extension activities into a new separate entity, now named BioResEd using the same research team. We are kicking off with two new Landcare projects transferred from BioResources: one following on from the previous cover crop work in young macadamias in Bundaberg area and the other doing similar in a range of crops (avocado, custard apple and macadamia) in various districts.
To find out what we have been up to keep an eye on our news page and Abigail Makim’s Twitter page
Videos to date can be viewed on the BioResources web site or on the BioResources YouTube channel BioResEd will have its own YouTube channel shortly.
We look forward to providing more and more useful information and assistance in adopting and experimenting with the exciting technologies coming into horticulture that have all sorts of benefits for growers and the environment – reduced chemical use, reduced erosion, increased soil organic carbon and water holding capacity…
This is a pretty new field in Australia especially in perennial crops so we are keen to hear from growers experimenting with insectaries or cover crops so that together we can find ways to make these promising technologies work for us in sometimes challenging conditions.